The Lord is so faithful!
I have been taught this from God's Word, I've heard it from my family and I've witnessed God's faithfulness in the lives of others.
I love also being able to testify to His faithfulness! God has shown me that He is in control... with everything! With my salvation, He is sufficient. With my health, He my joy. With our finances, He is in control.
Because of having CF I am not able to hold a full time job. There is a risk that I will get sick and be unable to work, as well as the risk of being put in the hospital with little or no notice. My health has been really good recently. I haven't been on IVs since March! Can you believe it!?!? I went from needing IVs every ten weeks (for the past couple of years) to not needing them for 6 months!
The Lord has given me a lifestyle that enables me to take care of my health and my body properly. I love every minute I had at Moody, but let's face it, college is less than advantageous for anybody's health, especially someone with extensive health problems.
So... The Lord helped me through my time at Moody, and now I'm married and He has provided all that we need and so much more!
I have a few babysitting jobs right now. Each family has one child (all boys :), and I am working part time. There has been such a neat opportunity that I got connected with a couple of years ago. I started helping out with Research Surveys related to the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis. I get to talk with someone about how well the medicines are working and how I like the treatments, and that sort of thing. In exchange for my time and opinions (expensive opinions of course...hehe) they send me a check! It is so neat to see the Lord providing jobs that I can do...and jobs that only I can do!
Yesterday and today I got signed up for two new phone interviews that will pay very well! Lord, You know our know us!
In the next few weeks I am anticipating the opportunity to enroll in a three month clinical research trial that involves testing a new drug that could help CF patients in an amazing way! this new drug is unprecedented in its amazing results!
I may or may not be chosen to be involved with this study, either way we will continue to learn to trust in God for each breath, each day and each dollar!
Thank you Lord, for knowing our needs and knowing us! We want to trust you more each day!
Our prayer is that we will trust God with every detail of our lives together and we have confidence that He will provide as He does all of the time! And when I say He provides, I mean more than just money. "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." 2 Peter 1:3
I pray that you find your sufficiency in Christ alone today!
To God be the glory, Great things He has done!
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