Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Wednesday full of crazy!

Good (Wednesday) evening to all! Today has been a good day. It's my first day off of IVs, and I'm enjoying it! I am so thankful that the IVs worked and the Lord has given me amazing lung function. Thanks you, Jesus for sustaining me each and every day!

This morning, I was checking my email, and I had a lot of fishy things going on... I realized that something or someone hacked into my email and sent out crazy stuff! ARG! That being said, if you received an email from me with no subject as the title, please delete it...IT IS NOT FROM ME!

I decided that today would be the day I start baking again. Peter has a night class tonight, so I thought I should start on dinner early (1pm). Before I made dinner, I baked some hommade biscuits...MMM! Peter loved them! We made some plain and some with cheese on top. yup...biscuits.

Then I started on dinner- chicken
so, I had bought these split, half chicken breasts with bones a few weeks ago. today I decieded it was time to figure out how to cook this sort of thing- so I preheated the oven to 350 degrees and I started playing around with my chicken.
The name of my chicken is "golden chicken" because it's yellow when it is done cooking.
I put flower in a bowl and then seasoned it with curry, cumin, paprika, seasoned salt, salt and pepper. Random, but for some reason those were the spices I thought should go in there.

Then I covered the chicken with my flower mixture and put a few pieces of butter on top.
Into the oven...
then I checked the temp, and when it hit 140 degrees I took it out.

I also roasted some potato pieces, cooked egg noodles and made some peas.

for desert I made a few varieties of brownies... regular, cream-cheese, and m and m brownies!

We enjoyed a good dinner together and now he is at school.

On the menu tonight: laundry!

The Lord has given Peter and I such an amazing couple of first months together, and we are so thankful for the job He has provided, the house and His grace which sustains us!
To God be the glory, Great things He has done!
Whatever you are doing tonight...remember the Truth form Job 12:10 which is such an encouragement to me... "In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind."


  1. You reminded me I have laundry to get too as well my dear sweet Mary. So glad to hear your little lungs are functioning again!! :)

  2. you and your sister should have a cooking show! :)
